I've been working on this, this week. Also last Monday pleased to see a candidate come out to Pharrell Williams' "Happy", In so doing he referenced a positive viral video!
Why do people surrender animals to shelters? First of all we need to do more spay and neutering so we don't end up with too many to feed and house and for various reasons, people sometimes really do need to surrender cats and dogs and it's very sad, for instance if you have to move somewhere that doesn't allow pets. To surrender instead of abandoning an animal is much more humane. But when I first start volunteering I had to learn not to judge all that.
Buttons hiding. Not sure why but they changed from metal to plastic litter pans and I haven't seen this kind of hiding, as much at DakinHumane.org lately. From the end of 2012. He looked like Twitter's @HenrileChatNoir
Two One-Eyed Cats Recently Got Adopted due to the hard work and dedication of the staff:
Angus and Muffin(Muffin's photo unfortunately lost to this blog)
Lyrics to "Reasons Why"
My people were out driving threw me out of the car!/Oo, the reasons why./Took me to the park and 'though I didn't go far! Oh, the reasons why./On every cage there is a reason./I'm lucky I didn't die./ When they moved our household and they didn't take me./Oh, the Reasons Why.
Once my owner died her folks abandoned me!/Oo, the reasons why./Had suspicious fires and were homeless like me! Oh, the reasons why./On every cage there is a reason./I'm lucky I didn't die./After ten good years they are allergic to me./Oh, I want to cry. Oh, I want to to cry!/Oh, the Reasons Why.
(Piano Instrumental)
I don't know how I got in this cage but I know the reasons why!/I'm glad I have another chance./It's not like I'm going to die!/It's not like I'm gonna die!
Someone who has a nice chatty home, a sofa and a cozy fire./A woman who's there lots and very kind and a man who just won't tire!
I'm a companion, I'm a great friend and I'll love you 'til I die./Love you, love you,/Sit right above you on your shoulders, /The Reasons Why!
Playing this song on the piano has been of comfort to me while my cat had a health scare recently and I wondered whether it might also be comforting to anyone whose pet has or had end of life issues.
Dear Readers, I am hoping to make an etirely different song from this, but I may not redo this version before Thanksgiving. If you'd like to listen, now. Sorry for the inconvenience of downloading the file but for better quality m4a. (With Quicktime, I think.) Please click the light-grey just below.
Dear Readers, There is something for everyone here. Both tonal(free as well as serial) and atonal pieces. You may especially appreciate my Zen Sutras. Awesome performances by world-class players! Thank you for listening. Skip around or hear the whole thing
and it's available on Amazon.com and iTunes, etc.
See photo at @Zottali on Twitter. Tetrahedron Dreams
Thank you for listening!